The Mission
The Vision
Redeemer exists to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, build them together as God’s church, and send them out to live on mission in Bloomington and throughout the world.
Our vision is to be a gospel-centered
community on mission.
Our Values
Biblical Faithfulness
Gospel Centered
Transformative Community
Renewal - Driven Mission
We are a church submitted to and shaped by the truth of God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
It is faith in the gospel that saves us and faith in the gospel that empowers our growth, therefore the good news of Jesus Christ forms and fuels everything we think, say, and do (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
In light of Christ’s love, we seek to live in intentional and diverse community, compelled by God’s love, helping one another to live and grow for God’s glory (Romans 12:9-16)
The love and mercy of Christ moves us to join Jesus in His mission of making disciples and seeking the renewal of all things, as we share His love, His mercy, and His message both locally and globally (Matthew 28:18-20; Jeremiah 29:7)